Laggy X11 after updating to 8.0-RC1

Warren Block wblock at
Mon Sep 28 23:30:47 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009, Rohit Grover wrote:

> I have upgraded to 8.0-RC1 (from 7.2-STABLE) on my MacBook 4,1. I did
> so by checking out stable/8 under /usr/src, rebuilding kernel/world,
> and using portupgrade to update all installed ports from packages
> available on the 8.0RC1 DVD-iso.
> Since the update, my X11 is laggy. Now, I often have to move the mouse
> before keystrokes/button presses take effect.

Make sure hal and dbus are enabled in rc.conf and running.  In 
xorg.conf, remove Option "AllowEmptyInput" "off".

A bonus of using hal is that you can remove the keyboard and mouse 
sections from xorg.conf.

> As I've mentioned, I've updated the kernel/world, and updated
> libpciaccess. Perhaps I'm having issues because I need to remove old
> libs. How do I remove old libs?

cd /usr/src
make check-old-libs
make delete-old-libs

/usr/src/Makefile lists all the options.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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