how to get the UFSID of a mounted filesystem ?

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at
Mon Nov 30 00:31:10 UTC 2009

On Mon, 30 Nov 2009, Pete French wrote:
> I observer that when I mount a UFS filesystem using the device
> name then the entry vanishes from /dev/ufsid, and glabel list no
> longer shows the device. Which begs the question, how do I find
> out the ufsid of a mountde filesystem (e.g. '/' so that I can change
> it's fstab entry for the next reboot?)
> Am slightly embarassed to have to ask for help! Am sure this was
> easy and in dmesg last time I did this...

You can run dumpfs, eg
line=`dumpfs 2> /dev/null $1 | head | grep superblock\ location`
eval `echo $line | sed -nEe 's/superblock location.*id.*\[ (.*) (.*)\ ]/printf %0x $((0x\1 << 32 | 0x\2))/p'`

I use this in a script to determine the ID so I can modify fstab after the
install has finished.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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