uftdi on ehci problem.

UEMURA Tetsuya t_uemura at macome.co.jp
Sat Nov 28 07:24:40 UTC 2009

Hi list.

I have several sensor boards connected to PC via UART, actually an FTDI
FT4232H quad port USB 2.0 to UART bridge in-between.

With sensor board A:  baud: 115200 bps, actual transfer: 320 Bps, there
is no problem whether or not ehci high speed mode is enabled.

With sensor board B: baud: 115200 bps, actual transfer: 6400 Bps, there
is still no problem when high speed mode is disabled. However when high
speed mode is enabled, a program waits read() to complete for a long
time or even forever. Tried using a USB 2.0 hub and no luck.

With hw.usb.debug and hw.usb.ehci.debug tunables both set to 1 and I got
many USB_ERR_STALLED errors. The machine runs yesterday's 8.0-STABLE

Is there a way to fix/diagnose the problem?


UEMURA Tetsuya <t_uemura at macome.co.jp>
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