dump | restore fails: unknown tape header type 1853384566

David Malone dwmalone at maths.tcd.ie
Thu Mar 26 10:01:10 PDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 02:03:12PM -0400, Mikhail T. wrote:
> Same problem:
>    restore -rf ibmo.0.2009-03-24.dump
>    load: 0.55  cmd: restore 11303 [nbufkv] 3.53u 3.91s 4% 27980k
>    unknown tape header type 213474529
>    abort? [yn]
> Please, advise. Thanks! Yours,

Hi Mikhail,

If you actually need to get a dump back that restore can't read,
you can try the "-D" option that I added a few years ago. Dump and
restore expect things to be in a block format, but if (say) dump
outputs a few bytes into the stream due to a bug, then the entire
end of the dump can become unreadable. The -D option to restore
tells it to try hard to get back in sync again.

I'd guess you've tripped over either a bug in dump or restore. If
you can file a PR, particularly with access to a sample dump, then
I can have a look and see if I can figure out what's going on.


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