dump | restore fails: unknown tape header type 1853384566

Mikhail T. mi+thun at aldan.algebra.com
Tue Mar 24 19:08:14 PDT 2009

Daniel O'Connor написав(ла):
>> morning is still hanging (in sbwait) -- I've never seen this before. I'm
>> also very troubled, that such an important functionality (dump/restore!)
>> is sooo problem-prone, and yet so few people seem to care...
> Well, "works for me".
Well, would like a login on this system to take a look for yourself? I 
can reproduce the problem easily.
>> Is the official view, that dump is obsolete (and already bit-rotten),
>> perhaps, and use of tar is encouraged instead?
> I've never had dump fail but it IS rather crusty and slow.. That said tar 
> doesn't cover all the information I believe.
So, if dump/restore ain't it, does FreeBSD have a supported way of 
making filesystem-level backups, that's both modern and covers all 
aspects (like flags)?

That said, I point out, that for me, dump is not failing (although it 
did hang this morning). It is the restore, which fails to read dump's 

    unknown tape header type 213474529
    abort? [yn] n
    resync restore, skipped 502 blocks
    expected next file 54, got 0
    unknown tape header type -954356454
    abort? [yn] n
    resync restore, skipped 29 blocks
    expected next file 54, got 0
    unknown tape header type -1754938223
    abort? [yn] n
    resync restore, skipped 482 blocks
    expected next file 54, got 0
    unknown tape header type -915868704
    abort? [yn] n
    resync restore, skipped 29 blocks
    expected next file 54, got 0
    unknown tape header type 1790084751
    abort? [yn] n
    resync restore, skipped 482 blocks
    expected next file 54, got 0
    unknown tape header type 903667267
    abort? [yn] n



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