LSI Logic raid status

Charles Sprickman spork at
Tue Mar 24 13:24:40 PDT 2009

On Tue, 24 Mar 2009, Marat N.Afanasyev wrote:

> Peter Ankerst?l wrote:
>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 8:20 PM, Scott Long wrote:
>>> Peter Ankerst?l wrote:
>>>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:
>>>>> dev.mpt.0.nonoptimal_volumes: 0
>>>>> Don't test whether the "nonoptimal_volumes" parameter works, it does -
>>>>> but if you pull a drive, FreeBSD likes to panic both on the loss of a 
>>>>> disk
>>>>> and then again when the drive is reconnected and the rebuild completes.
>>>>> This is apparently some problem in the CAM layer, not the mpt driver, 
>>>>> but
>>>>> it's something to be aware of.  Scott Long has noted that this is being
>>>>> worked on in 8.x.
>>>> Yes, I tried to remove a drive today. Of course I need to see if it works 
>>>> properly
>>>> before using it "for real". It did, but just as you say it paniced when I 
>>>> pulled the
>>>> drive and when is was resynced. But it sound great if someone is working 
>>>> on
>>>> this problem!
>>> The instability during a rebuild should be fixed in 7.2 (and 7-stable as
>>> of about the last month).  If you can, please update your sources and
>>> let me know if it helps.
>>> As for actually monitoring and configuring arrays, that work is in
>>> progress.
>>> Scott
>> Im running RELENG_7 cvsuped and built like 15 hours ago. I still have this 
>> problem.
>> Please come back to me if you want some additional information about the 
>> setup.
>> -- 
>> Peter Ankerst?l
>> peter at
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> I'd rather prefer using a gmirror/gstripe instead of mpt semihardware raid 
> then ;)

The LSI card is not "semi-hardware" RAID, it's an actual RAID controller. 
It's also in a ton of Dell products as well.  It's a decent enough 
controller and not terribly pricey.


> -- 
> SY, Marat
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