[HEADS UP] drm merged to -STABLE

Greg Rivers gcr+freebsd-stable at tharned.org
Thu Mar 19 13:01:43 PDT 2009

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Robert Noland wrote:

> Ok, so it isn't the gart caching... Can you get me a pointer to a 
> screenshot?

fetch http://www.tharned.org/rv380-drm-issue.tbz
This archive contains various logs and system configuration files as well 
as screen shot images.  Look at the README file for a description of the 

> What is garbled exactly?  Is the damage constrained to specific windows 
> or it it the entire framebuffer?

The entire frame buffer is garbled; switching to syscons and back seems to 
change the way it's garbled.  However, the interior of an xterm window is 
never garbled.  I'm running a dual-head configuration with the frame 
buffer spanning both monitors.

Greg Rivers

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