GCC build causes panic: page already inserted

Raphael Becker rabe at uugrn.org
Wed Mar 18 16:47:58 PDT 2009

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:59:25AM -0600, Dan Allen wrote:
> I saw that someone else had this happen last week...  It is not a  
> hardware failure.
> While building the latest GCC 4.4 from /usr/ports/lang/gcc44 I got a  
> core dump with the message
> 	vm_page_insert: page already inserted

I had the same thing on 7.1-STABLE with sources @2009-03-14 (last
Saturday). The machine had no hardware failures running 6.x...6.4 in 
the last 3 years running about 20..25 Jails.

Therefore I don't think it is a hardware error.

The crash happened during someone recompiling most of his packages in
jail while running cvsup on /usr/ports in another jail. So there was 
pretty much I/O and CPU usage. After crash the geom_mirror was degraded 
on ad4 (ad6 working).

I guess 
  a) the vmcore was successfully written to the SWAP 
  b) geom_mirror is unstable under heavy load, maybe it's the 
     origin of the crash. swap resides on that geom_mirror, too. 

I'm not yet able to get some useful information out of the 230MB vmcore.0
Maybe I may provide useful information about the crash if someone can
tell me about how to get theese from vmcore.0.

info.0 says:
Dump header from device /dev/label/TOPSWAP
  Architecture: i386
  Architecture Version: 2
  Dump Length: 246185984B (234 MB)
  Blocksize: 512
  Dumptime: Sat Mar 14 22:43:46 2009
  Hostname: top.uugrn.org
  Magic: FreeBSD Kernel Dump
  Version String: FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE #0: Sat Mar 14 20:06:04 CET 2009
    root at top.uugrn.org:/usr/obj/usr/src_RELENG_7/sys/TOP
  Panic String: vm_page_insert: page already inserted
  Dump Parity: 31664128
  Bounds: 0
  Dump Status: good

Raphael Becker

Raphael Becker          <rabe at uugrn.org>          http://rabe.uugrn.org/
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