FreeBSD 7.2 Release process starting...

kama kama at
Wed Mar 18 02:50:56 PDT 2009

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Ken Smith wrote:

> We're starting the release process for FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE.  The major
> highlights of the schedule are:
>         Code Freeze:            March 23rd
>         BETA1                   March 30th
>         Branch                  April 10th
>         RC1                     April 13th
>         RC2                     April 20th
>         Release:                May 4th
> The full schedule is here:
> though most of "the other events" haven't been given specific dates yet.
> Since it's often the case that developers process quite a few
> outstanding MFCs during the last couple days before a code freeze starts
> I have changed RELENG_7 to say it is 7.2-PRERELEASE now as a bit of a
> heads-up that the release cycle is imminent.  You might need to be a
> tiny bit more careful using RELENG_7 right now because the odds of you
> getting a snapshot of the tree taken part way through someone doing
> something that required multiple commits goes up during this phase of a
> release.

Is it possible to get back the todo page during this release phase?


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