kernel wants the wrong driver for my NIC (new issue)

Mike Tancsa mike at
Sat Jun 20 02:25:53 UTC 2009

At 07:08 PM 6/19/2009, Michael Gass wrote:

>I am still confused about the rl driver not working for this
>card.  The NOTES in /usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES explicitly state
>that the rl driver is for the DFE-530TX+ and that the vr
>driver is for the DFE-530TX.

The manufacturer could have changed chipsets and didnt change model 
numbers.  Its certainly not unprecedented.  Or the wrong NIC could 
have been sold to you by accident.

>I made a new kernel without the vr driver and the result was
>that no driver at all was recognized for the NIC.
>Is there a way to force the kernel to put an entry in /dev
>for rl0 so that I could try to configue it for the NIC?

Its a vr nic.  Fiddling with the PCI ids of the drivers, will not 
make it work. i.e. changing the device IDs that the rl attaches to 
and removing it from the vr.


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