Something since June 8th clobbers my disk...

Paul B. Mahol onemda at
Thu Jun 11 23:41:29 UTC 2009

On 6/11/09, Dan Allen <danallen46 at> wrote:
> Okay.  I did a
> 	make buildkernel && installkernel
> and rebooted, no problems.
> I then did a
> 	make buildworld
> and rebooted, no problems.
> I then did a
> 	make installworld
> which completed normally, rebooted, and
> BINGO - my disk partition table has been zapped.
> The problem appears to be something that runs during this 'make
> installworld'!
> There are no problems with the build itself that I can tell, but some
> program is munging the disk partition table.
> In a zany sort of way this is progress.  Of course now I have to
> reinstall the OS, again...

Looks like boot(8) is problematic.
Anything in /etc/src.conf or /etc/make.conf?


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