Kernel Debugging Options

Glen Barber glen.j.barber at
Sat Jun 6 13:16:13 UTC 2009

Hello everyone

I have a two-part question:

I have a minimally customized GENERIC kernel, with the only changes being:
options         KDB
options         KDB_UNATTENDED
options         DDB

and 'sysctl debug.debugger_on_panic' shows:
debug.debugger_on_panic: 0

However, after a panic loading the vboxdrv.ko module, the machine did
not reboot automatically after reboot.

Here are my questions:
1)  Would enabling DDB in the kernel prevent an automatic reboot after a panic?

2)  Does the debugger wait for XX seconds of console inactivity before
rebooting?  I was under the impression from the handbook that the
machine would instantly reboot and after dumping the crash to vmcore0.
 Is this assumption incorrect?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Glen Barber

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