ZFS booting without partitions

Kip Macy kmacy at freebsd.org
Mon Jun 1 22:15:41 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Adam McDougall <mcdouga9 at egr.msu.edu> wrote:
> I'm thinking that too.  I spent some time taking stabs at figuring it out
> yesterday but didn't get anywhere useful.  I did try compiling the -current
> src/sys/boot tree on 7.2 after a couple header tweaks to make it compile but
> the loader still didn't work.  The working loader is the same file size as
> the broken loader unless it was compiled on i386 and then it is ~30k bigger
> for some reason (it shrinks to the same size as the rest if I force it to
> use the same 32bit compilation flags as used on amd64).  Just mentioning
> this in case it saves someone else some time.  I'm real pleased it works at
> all.

If someone has the time to track down the differences I'll MFC them.
I'm not using ZFS boot at the moment so I have no way of testing.


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