8.0-RELEASE and Emacs port

Byung-Hee HWANG bh at izb.knu.ac.kr
Thu Jul 30 22:32:14 UTC 2009

Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at freebsd.org> writes:

> On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:42:26 +0900, Byung-Hee HWANG <bh at izb.knu.ac.kr> wrote:
>> Hello! A few hours ago, Chong Yidong, Emacs maintainer, has been
>> released Emacs 23.1 on gnu.org's mailing lists. Since i use Emacs as
>> default mailer, i really want that FreeBSD Project Release Team to add
>> Emacs 23.1 (Stable Ver.) into FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE. Because i use only
>> -RELEASE branch as far as i possibly can. Then i can use pkg_add
>> instead of ports, so easily. Thanks in advance ..;;
> Hi Byung-Hee,
> AFAIK, The ports are not frozen yet.  I think we can make it by updating
> the port before this weekend.
> There is a bit of testing to make sure that we can repo-copy the
> editors/emacs port to editors/emacs22 and check that the new
> editors/emacs port for 23.1 works fine.
> I'm working on it, and I will post patches soon-ish :)

Thanks, Giorgos! Let's fire Emacs gun!

... and following is somewhat off topic. FreeBSD Project's SPF rules
marked Giorgos's mail address (keramida at freebsd.org) as
"softfail". That's bad news to me. SPF [RFC4408] is Experimental draft,
you know. Actually Giorgos's mail is very healthy message. Hmm.. i
cannot understand why FreeBSD Project postmaster team adopted such lame
email policy. Please let's go with another policy (e.g., RFC4801). There
is good role model on RFC4801. The Python Project deployed RFC4801 rules
in their own mailing list server, as far as i know. And i heard that is
working very fine ...
"Do you have my goods still? Did you look inside?"
"I'm not interested in things that don't concern me."
		-- Peter Clemenza and Vito Corleone, "Chapter 14",
		   page 194-195

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