amr driver issues in 7.1-RELEASE

Scott Long scottl at
Thu Jan 22 13:15:53 PST 2009

Steve Polyack wrote:
> We have multiple systems using LSILogic PERC4 cards (PERC4e/Si, 
> PERC4/DC, amr driver).  After recently upgrading two of them from 6.3 to 
> 7.1, we have begun to see the following errors in our logs during heavy 
> use in both systems:
> amr0: Too many retries on command 0xffffffff80a4da58.  Controller is 
> likely dead
> amr0: Too many retries on command 0xffffffff80a4eaa8.  Controller is 
> likely dead
> amr0: Too many retries on command 0xffffffff80a497a0.  Controller is 
> likely dead
> amr0: Too many retries on command 0xffffffff80a4eaa8.  Controller is 
> likely dead
> However, the system continues working and the volumes remain 
> accessible.  This happens on the PERC4/DC controllers in both systems.  
> Firmware version is 352D.  MegaCLI reports no problems.
> Has anyone else seen these messages?  A google search turns up nothing 
> but results in the driver code.  Is this something we should be worried 
> about?  We won't be moving any other systems to 7.1 until we can clear 
> this up.

The fix for this that I was thinking of is already in 7.1.  There might 
still be a driver bug, but I'm leaning more towards the controller 
simply being busy.  Do you have a reproducible test case that I could


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