How to get djbdns to start early enough to satisfy ntpd at boot?
Andrew Reilly
andrew-freebsd at
Thu Jan 15 01:09:31 PST 2009
Hi there,
I've been a happy djbdns+tinydns user for many, many years. I
want to keep using it, so answers of the form "bletch! Use ISC
BIND the way BSD intended" will be ignored :-)
Having said that, one annoying consequence of my transition
some time ago to using ntpd, rather than just setting the clock
once-off with ntpdate as I used to, is that the /etc/rc.d
mechanism starts ntpd before /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
starts svscan, which starts /services/dnscache. That wouldn't
matter if ntpd was a bit sensible and just kept trying to find
its nomminated servers, but it gives up and just sits there not
synchronising time from any reference. So I have to remember to
manually "/etc/rc.d/ntpd restart" every time I reboot.
So: does anyone know how to modify the boot-time order so that
svscan starts at (or before) the point in the boot cycle where
BIND would, on other systems? I suspect that it should be
possible by changing the PROVIDE: in to include one of
the things REQUIRE:'d by ntpd. Or perhaps the REQUIRE: LOGIN in is incompatible with the BEFORE: LOGIN in ntpd?
Has any other user of dnscache encountered and solved this
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