freebsd-update painfully slow - slower than source code build of world and kernel

Vincent Hoffman vince at
Tue Jan 6 17:31:11 UTC 2009

Daniel Bond wrote:
> The same could be said about CVSup, one could write a caching cvsup
> proxy-server, and then we could just get rid of all the other
> cvsup-servers, except two (like freebsd-update soon will have). The
> point is, for portsnap and freebsd-update to scale properly, it needs
> to be opened up to the public, like CVSup is. People running a single
> server at home, or maybee two, most like won't want to set up a PROXY
> server, and they would be required to update both servers at the same
> day for the Proxy server to actually cache something - which many may
> not want. And there are a lot of people running a few servers, here
> and there.
> Sure, a national squid-proxy could work - although, there is no
> individual proxy setting for portsnap/freebsd-update.. It honors
> HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which a lot of other tools also use.
> Some tools might not work via this proxy, especially for local
> addresses - the administrators of these servers probably don't want
> all the ports tarballs to go via these, and people could use them for
> nasty things. So, then we are back to manually setting/specifying the
> proxy-server, each time one wants to run the commands - which people
> might forget. (Is this getting complicated enough yet..?) We would
> basically be creating a whole lot of new potential problems for the
> users, to solve the problem in question..
> I am also interested in learning how the portsnap protocol works,
> maybe there are potential issues with it, that a second eye might
> spot, or room for improvement? From what I gather, Colin is a very
> cleaver guy, so it is not very likely, but still, other people could
> learn from it.
well portsnap/freebsd-update are shell scripts so not too hard to read.
The actual transfer protocol is  piplined http and is done by
/usr/libexec/phttpget  (in base so src code available
/usr/src/usr.sbin/portsnap/phttpget/phttpget.c )
also see

> I would like to see these tools as the default recommended tools to
> use in the future, and that is why I am so worried about this.
> The point I am trying to make is, or actually the question is: Why is
> freebsd-update (and portsnap) so secretive? Why can't the average Joe
> run his own portsnap-mirror at home? What are we afraid of?
I seem to remember once reading that Colin wanted to make it a more
polished system before he release it, but i cant find that email anymore.

> I don't see any problems with this, except maybe loosing some detail
> in Colin's nice graphs (which would be the case for proxies too).
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> On Jan 6, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Christopher Arnold wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Daniel Bond wrote:
>>> reading your answer, you are obviously confusing what I am saying
>>> about freebsd-update with the portsnap program. Also, I also wrote
>>> in my first post
>> No i'm not confusing them, just trying to follow two subjects at the
>> same time. Sorry if that is confusing.
>>> that HTTP_PROXY / Caching proxy server does not help me much. This
>>> is because I download a lot of "initial tarball snapshots".. I would
>>> rarely see "Cache hits" in my proxy log. I guess I could set
>>> something up to fetch nightly via proxy, to keep the data in house,
>>> for when I need it. I don't want to use a PROXY server, I feel this
>>> is attacking the problem at the wrong end.
>> Ok, lets go again. Either you mirror (maybe by having a squid proxy
>> and walk the tree) and thats going to me even worse for you. Or you
>> use a squid proxy to keep stuff you need close to you and share among
>> different installations.
>> Or you setup one or more national squid proxies and configure your
>> machines manually just like you do with cvsup.
>>> I agree, I am interested to hear the views of the wise ones.
>>> Personally I'm going back to CVSup until freebsd-update and portsnap
>>> mirrors are in a more distributed or usable state.
>> At least portsnap started to work for me earlier today. Havn't tried
>> update yet.
>> But yes i agree, update and portsnap infrastructure could be done
>> better.
>> I have some ideas and will try to write them down in a while.
>>     /Chris
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