RELENG_6 build failures

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Wed Aug 26 07:50:08 UTC 2009

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, Marius Strobl wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 09:42:03PM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was trying to run a make universe on RELENG_6 and found:
>> 1) alpha doesn't build
>> 2) powerpc LINT fails with:
>>     config: Error: device "zs" is unknown
>> 3) sparc64 LINT fails with:
>>     mkdep -f .depend -a   -nostdinc -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -I-
>>     -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -I. -I@ -I@/contrib/altq -I@/../include
>>     -I/tmp/usr/include -I/obj/sparc64/RELENG_6.svn/sys/LINT
>>     /RELENG_6.svn/sys/modules/ukbd/../../dev/usb/ukbd.c
>>     /RELENG_6.svn/sys/modules/ukbd/../../dev/usb/ukbd.c:418:21: ukbdmap.h:
>>     No such file or directory
>> At least (3) should be a supported platform but given that universe
>> builds the other two as well I would assume they are as well.
>> amd64, i386, pc98, ia64 were ok, the GENERIC kernels seems to be
>> fine for powerpc and sparc64.  alpha as said seems dead.
>> I have no idea why we never saw the errors flying by,
>> so I don't want to rule out a local problem.
>> In case anyone could confirm these findings (or fix them should they
>> exist) that would be great.
>> I had run:
>> 	make -j8 universe __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
> AFAICT (3) isn't platform-specific but doesn't manifest with
> every build. The fix is to MFC rev. 1.57 of sys/dev/usb/ukbd.c
> (I don't seem to be able to access sys/legacy/dev/usb/ukbd.c
> for getting the SVN revision and sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c
> apparently wasn't copied from the old one within SVN).

Ah, good to know.

You need the last known revision the file had been there still:

so you probably mean:


Bjoern A. Zeeb           What was I talking about and who are you again?

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