Going to BSD 8 from RELENG_7

Ruben de Groot mail25 at bzerk.org
Mon Aug 17 08:25:40 UTC 2009

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 09:18:11AM +0200, Bartosz Stec typed:
> >
> >And as usual MAKE A GOOD BACKUP !!!!
> >
> >Regards,
> >Johan
> >  
> As I remember when I did upgrade from FreBSD 6.4 to 7.0, I ran 
> 'portupgrade -afi' after thar, BUT as I remember all my ports in fact 
> works before they were upgraded. If I understand correctly, the reason 
> of this was not making delete-old and delete-old-libs?
> So should following upgrade procedure be painless?
> 0. Backup!
> 1. cvsup 8.0-stable
> 2. make buildworld && make buildkernel
> 3. make installkernel
> 4. reboot and jump to single user mode
> 5. make installworld && mergemastger
> 6. take a deep breath & reboot
> 7. portupgrade -afi
> 8. make delete-old && make delete-old-libs
> 9. reboot
> 10. Hooray!
> My concern is - will my ports works after point 6. ? Quite important 
> thing when machine can't be offline by hours during portupgrade -afi ....

What do you want to hear? "Yes, all will be fine" ? There's never such guarantee.
If it means that much to you, MAKE A GOOD BACKUP. And be prepared to restore it.
And if the machine really can't be offline for some hours, you should have a
fallback machine anyway which you could use to test it on.


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