Sockets stuck in FIN_WAIT_1

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at
Thu May 29 13:02:55 UTC 2008

On May 29, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Stephen Clark wrote:
> You know it really pains me when people blithely say just upgrade to  
> X.X where X is the latest release.
> It is generally just not that simple to upgrade - there are all  
> sorts of dependencies with other software that have to be considered.

I don't mind upgrading this box, it does need it, and it's just a web  
server.  But I see your point.

What bothers me is that suggesting an upgrade "may" fix the problem.   
I really want to know that upgrading WILL fix the problem.  I know it  
might not hurt, but if it doesn't address the primary issue at hand, I  
can spend time and resources trying to figure out why.  Regardless  
since this is just a mirror web server, I'm going to run it on box  
using 7.0 and see what I get.  I realize a lot of network code has  
changed from 4.x to 6.x (and maybe 7.x) so I'm going to give that a go.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at

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