Disk access/MPT under ESX3.5

Daniel Ponticello daniel at skytek.it
Sun May 18 20:45:13 UTC 2008

Clifton Royston ha scritto:
> If you are accessing a software emulation of a SCSI disk, I would
> offhand expect the CPU load to go up substantially when you are reading
> or writing it at the maximum achievable bandwidth.  You can't expect
> normal relative load results under an emulator, and while most
> application or kernel code runs natively, I/O under VMWare will zoom in
> and out of the emulator a lot.  I'm afraid I can't give you a
> definitive answer as I have VMWare but haven't set up FreeBSD under it
> yet.
>   -- Clifton
Thanks Clifton,
my problem is that system (console) becomes very unresponsive when I/O 
is writing at maximum bandwidth.
Anyway, system becomes more responsive when using ULE scheduler instead 
of 4BSD during I/O.
Is there a way to limit the maximum I/O bandwidth used by the controller?



Cordiali Saluti,
Daniel Ponticello, VP of Engineering

Network Coordination Centre of Skytek

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