7.0 issues fixed? upgrade timing?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Mon May 12 05:30:17 UTC 2008

On May 11, 2008, at 9:34 PM, John Daniels wrote:
>  1. I have a realtek network card and am using a cable modem  
> router.  Does anyone know if fixes for problems with these (see  
> below) have been backported from HEAD to RELENG_7?

The most useful thing to do would be to test the fixes out yourself  
and report back whether they help, assuming you encounter problems.

> 2. Is this a good time to upgrade to RELENG_7?

On a test machine, sure.  It's been a long time since I've run a  
production environment off of a .0 release at all, much less without  
testing it first.  :-)

> 3. I read a post last week that advised that 7.1 is a long way off.   
> Appreciate any advice on use of ULE 3.0 and ZFS prior to 7.1 and a  
> comment on what is holding up 7.1.

Respectively: ULE seems to be a solid improvement.  ZFS is still  
beta.  Nothing...be patient, or make more active contributions to help  
move things forwards.


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