HP ProLiant DL360 G5 success stories?

Ulf Zimmermann ulf at Alameda.net
Sun Mar 16 07:44:20 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:24:27AM +0100, Johan Str?m wrote:
> On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:37 PM, Joe Koberg wrote:
> >The iLO is a completely separate management processor with its own  
> >network port. It runs its own OS and has its own IP address. It runs  
> >an SSL webserver for access.  The iLO is accessible over the network  
> >any time the machine is plugged into power.  I am not sure about  
> >IPMI access to it.
> Okay, kind of what I "expected" (havent read up very much on it yet).
> >
> >
> >The "normal" iLO option will give you exact textual console screen  
> >output and keyboard control from the moment of power-on.  It will  
> >also let you toggle power and hit the reset button. I believe it  
> >uses a java applet in the browser.
> >
> >The "advanced" iLO option, which is license-key-unlocked, also  
> >provides graphical remote console, and virtual media. You can upload  
> >a CD or floppy image and then boot the server from it.  I suspect  
> >the compatibility issue appears here - the virtual media probably  
> >emulates USB mass storage, and the OS must be able to boot from it.
> I see... So for a box that is going to run fbsd in console mode, and  
> hopefully never need to boot from CD after install, it sounds like the  
> normal mode will work splendid.
> But.. 
> http://bizsupport.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00553302/c00553302.pdf 
>  seems to tell me that in basic mode I can only access BIOS (pre-OS)  using 
> the Remote Console feature, and that after POST I have to have  the 
> advanced licensed option?
> "iLO 2 displays this information through the remote console applet  
> while in the server pre-operating system
> state, enabling a non-licensed iLO 2 to observe and interact with the  
> server during POST activities. A non-
> licensed iLO 2 cannot use remote console access after the server  
> completes POST and begins to load the
> operating system. The iLO 2 Advanced License enables access to the  
> remote console at all times."
> So.. Then what? I have to configure FreeBSD to use a serial console  
> and continue with using serial console instead? Later in the same doc:
> ? iLO 2 Standard (unlicensed:)
> NOTE:  The features annotated with an asterisk (*) are not supported  
> on all systems.
> o Virtual Power and Reset control
> o Remote serial console through POST only
> ...
> o Serial access*
> Am i missing something here or will I only be able to access the  
> console during post, unless i configure the box to use a serial  
> console? Hope you can shed some light here :)
> >
> >
> >It has full reporting of hardware state and management log details,  
> >and the "home page" is a big summary with any faults outlined in red.
> Yes, that was what I expected. But can i retreive the data some other  
> way? IPMI, SNMP or something? Would like to gather the stats to a  
> central management site. Further investigation in the manual seems to  
> indicate that no SNMP access is available, but there is some XML  
> "RIBCL" interface I can use (yes this is in standard mode too :))
> Thank you!

iLO also allows you to access a virtual serial line, which can be
connected to via ssh. We are running about 200 HP servers (mostly
Linsux unfortunatly) but we use the serial console on some specific
servers where kernel modules could fence the box and if that happens
nothing will be still written to the syslog (local or remote). So
we use serial console and conserver to log such things.

Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at: http://www.Alameda.net/~ulf/resume.html

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