Incorrect file size?

Krassimir Slavchev krassi at
Mon Jun 23 06:56:52 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


Ivan Voras wrote:
> Rink Springer wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 03:54:22PM +0200, Ivan Voras wrote:
>>> Except that the file in question should be, judging by the filename, a
>>> simple text file. I don't really see how a whitelist could grow to such
>>> monstrous sizes :) Most likely it's a file system corruption - fsck
>>> should be the first thing to try.
>> The 'vscan' user leads me assume this is SpamAssassin - I've seen this
>> behaviour at work, where our scripts were trying to backup a 1TB file
>> (which actually was ~vscan/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist). The result was
>> that the backup script died due to lack of disk space on the backup
>> server (as we don't use compression).

Yes, it is SpamAssassin and I have the same problem with the backups.
The Amanda complains with:
 xxxxxxxxxxx  /  lev 1  FAILED [dump larger than available tape space,
307256178 KB, skipping incremental]
 yyyyyyyyyyyy / lev 4 FAILED [dump larger than tape, 354005617 KB,
skipping incremental]

I don't think this is a file system corruption because there are no
reasons for this. Also I have seen this on different machines.

Any ideas how to fix this?

>> When I was investigating why the file could be so large it, it turned
>> out the file was only a few hunderd 'real' MB's, so that is why I assume
>> this person is having the same issue as we do. The file is a Berkeley DB
>> file, by the way, so there's nothing textfile about it ;-)
> I learn something every day :)
> Didn't know BDB was smart enough to create sparse files.

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