challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

Vivek Khera vivek at
Fri Jun 6 16:08:55 UTC 2008

On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:43 PM, Clifton Royston wrote:

>  Speaking just for myself, I'd love to get a general response from
> people who have run servers on both as to whether 6.3 is on average
> more stable than 6.2.  I really haven't gotten any clear impression as

I'll throw in my "+1" for running 6.3.  I have it on many boxes, some  
of which run gmirror and some of which have bge devices (some with  
both).  Never any problems.  They operate things varying from Postgres  
servers to DNS servers to mail servers (postfix) under pretty  
consistent load pushing lots and lots of data both network and to disk.

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