challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

Jo Rhett jrhett at
Thu Jun 5 00:22:19 UTC 2008

> Jo Rhett wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>> Also, it's not like anyone should have been caught by surprise by  
>>> the 6.2 EoL; the expiry date has been advertised since the 6.2  
>>> release itself.
>> It has changed multiple times.  I keep reviewing and finding 6.3  
>> bugs outstanding, and then observe the EoL get pushed.
>> I'm surprised that it failed to get pushed this time.
> I'm sorry that the FreeBSD project failed to conform to your  
> expectations.  However, I invite you to actually try 6.3 for  
> yourself instead of assuming that it will fail.

Several of the bug reports have the *exact* same hardware we are  
using.  Rackable systems with 3ware controllers.

If you're asking why I don't turn a production environment over to  
being a freebsd-unstable-testbed, I can't really answer that question  
in a way you'd understand (if you were asking that question)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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