challenge: end of life for 6.2 is premature with buggy 6.3

Stephen Clark sclark46 at
Wed Jun 4 20:07:00 UTC 2008

Scott Long wrote:
> Jo Rhett wrote:
>> Okay, I totally understand that FreeBSD wants people to upgrade from 
>> 6.2 to 6.3.  But given that 6.3 is still experiencing bugs with things 
>> that are working fine and stable in 6.2, this is a pretty hard case to 
>> make.
> Can you describe the bugs that are affecting you?
>> This is also a fairly significant investment in terms of time and 
>> money for any business to handle this ugprade.  It totally understand 
>> obsoleting 5.x now that 7.x is out.  But 6.2 is barely a year old...
> The expectation is always that newer versions of a stable branch will 
> have few regressions, and thus upgrading is a low risk.
> Scott
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Can just the kernel be upgraded or does all of user space have to be
upgrades to.

How would someone recommend upgrading 500 hundred remote sites spread throughout
the US?


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