how to get more logging from GEOM?

Jo Rhett hostmaster at
Wed Jul 16 21:40:12 UTC 2008

On Jul 11, 2008, at 4:48 AM, Ronald Klop wrote:
> You can try going into the kernel debugger to see where it is  
> hanging. Debugging via a serial cable is also very easy.
> I don't know the details, but there is a lot of info in the Freebsd  
> handbook. Put this in google 'freebsd handbook kernel debug'.

Thanks for the reply.  I'm familiar with these options, but as the  
system is currently running GENERIC and trying to compile a kernel  
would guarantee to cause the problem to occur...  I could probably  
keep hacking at it until I finally get everything compiled, but...

Ugh.  I guess this option doesn't appeal very much.  Are there any  
other options available?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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