ad0 READ_DMA TIMEOUT errors on install of 7.0-RELEASE

Stephen Hurd shurd at
Thu Feb 28 04:29:23 UTC 2008

Scott Long wrote:
> I'd like to attack these driver problems.  What I need is to spend a
> couple of days with an affected system that can reliably reproduce the
> problem, instrumenting and testing the driver.  I have a number of
> theories about what might be going wrong, but nothing that I'm
> definitely sure about.  If you are willing to set up your system with
> remote power and remote serial, and if we knew a reliable way to
> reproduce the problem, I could probably have the problem identified and
> fixed pretty quickly.

So, it turns out that I can't have multiple PPPoE sessions at the same 
time.  :-(

I should be able to hack together something though if the rest of the 
stuff I mentioned is fine.

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