Memory Leak under FreeBSD 6.0 RELEASE

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Tue Feb 26 05:59:06 UTC 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:10:14AM +0530, Arun Balakrishnan wrote:
> My previous mail was this:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wow! Thanks a lot for the reply. The patch you provided really gave 
> some insight on the underlying problem.
> In our final product, the library will be loaded and used only once 
> per instance. However the automated test suites for the library, do this 
> for over 2000 times as part of functional testing and memory leak 
> testing. In this we were getting a huge leak on FreeBSD.
> One more question though. (Second one in the list of queries I had 
> posted in my first mail.)
> 2. While executing this without Valgrind, in another terminal we did a
>    "ps -Aopid,rss | grep LibLoader_" continuously in a loop and saw that
>    the RSS (resident set size) field value keeps increasing by 4KB every
>    now and then. The same experiment on GNU/Linux shows that RSS remains
>    at the same value. What could be the cause for the ever rising RSS
>    value?
> Could you throw some light on what could be the possible reason for 
> this? Is RSS value directly mappable to the leak that we see in libc? 
> This is another issue that is acting as a show stopper for us.
I did not track closely recent malloc development and improvements in the
FreeBSD. In any case, I think you have some misunderstanding of the
VM concepts there.

From the very high level view, kernel uses physical memory to cache
the virtual memory content. There, RSS approximately shows amount of
the cache used by the process. Change of the RSS size over time may
be caused by a lot of reasons, in particular, process working set
changes over time, load on the system, kernel VM algorithms etc.

The overall direction is that, on the system with negligible load
except observed process and enough physical memory, the RSS would be
approximately equial to the optimal process working set. The leak then
would definitely increase an amount of physical memory allocated for
the process.

I would not put much attention to the RSS alone.

Did you tested the patch ? What was the behaviour with the patch
applied ?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks again,
> ~Arun
> Kostik Belousov wrote:
> >On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:54:45AM +0530, Arun Balakrishnan wrote:
> >
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