How to take down a system to the point of requiring a newfs with one line of C (userland)

Robert Watson rwatson at
Mon Feb 18 17:21:25 UTC 2008

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, Robert Watson wrote:

> Hopefully this bug will get resolved shortly, and then we can evaluate if an 
> errata notice is necessary.

FYI, I have been unable, thus far, to reproduce it with 150,000 entries in the 
root of a test file system on an 8.x kernel.  I'm not set up to test 6.x and 
7.x currently, and have other obligations tht will prevent me from setting up 
6.x and 7.x test images for a few days.

If people who can reproduce this problem could send kernel stack traces (etc) 
as a follow-up to the PR, that would be most helpful.  Right now it's sparse 
on actual debugging data.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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