ATA/boot problems with 6.2-release and 7-prerelease

Matt Emmerton matt at
Tue Feb 5 13:49:06 UTC 2008

I have a 6.1-release machine that I wanted to upgrade, so I decided I would 
upgrade to 6.2-rel, and then to 7-pre.

When I upgraded to 6.2-rel, it fails at mountroot, claiming that it can't 
find ad0s1a to boot from.  (Entering ? to list all available boot devices 
only lists acd0 and ad2*, which are secondary master/slave.  It doesn't list 
anything on ad0 or ad1 which are primary master/slave.)  The same thing 
happens on 7-pre.

All installations are using GENERIC kernel.  Booting from CD and going into 
fixit mode works fine - I can see all filesystems on all disks.

I've tried swapping primary/secondary as well as swapping cables, but the 
problem persists.

I've attached the dmesg from 6.1.  Both 6.2 and 7-pre have the following 
text in the dmesg numerous times for ata0.

ata0: reiniting channel ..
ata0: reset tp1 mask=0x ostat0=58 ostat1=50
ata0: stat0=0x50 err=0x01 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00
ata0: stat1=0x50 err=0x01 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00
ata0: reset tp2 stat0=50 stat1=50 devices=0x3<ATA_SLAVE,ATA_MASTER>

I see this a couple of times for ata1 as well, but the stat1 line is 
different and we end up detecting ad2/acd0 which are on ata1.

Any ideas?

Matt Emmerton 
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