em(4) on FreeBSD is sometimes annoying

Jack Vogel jfvogel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 17:54:53 UTC 2008

Thanks for the pointer Royce, and yes that's the issue, and if you want
to boot Linux and use that instead of DOS then more power to you.



On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Royce Williams <royce at alaska.net> wrote:
> Jack Vogel wrote, on 8/4/2008 9:18 AM:
>> The focus here on the laptop distracted me, but someone else at work
>> reminded me. Its very important that you run the EEPROM fix for
>> the 82573 that i posted a long while back, search in email archive
>> for it. Its a DOS executable that will patch your EEPROM.
>> I am not sure if the Lenova's need it, but get it, run it, and then
>> see if your problem goes away.
> Martin, there's also a link to it from Jeremy's "Commonly Reported
> Issues" page:
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/JeremyChadwick/Commonly_reported_issues
> Look for "DOS-based EEPROM".
> Jack, is this issue the same one that is documented here?
> http://e1000.sourceforge.net/doku.php?id=known_issues#v_l_e_tx_unit_hang_messages
> ... and addressed by this script?
> http://e1000.sourceforge.net/doku.php?id=tx_unit_hang
> If so, the script could be used without booting from a DOS disk.  If
> this is unrelated or is an unsafe way to apply this fix, that would be
> handy to know.
> Royce
> --
> Royce D. Williams                                   - http://royce.ws/
>        A finished person is a boring person.  - Anna Quindlen

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