nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
arno at
Tue Apr 22 17:38:36 UTC 2008
Mike Tancsa <mike at> writes:
> At 05:57 PM 4/21/2008, Arno J. Klaassen wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > How long does it take for the problem to show up ?
> >
> >
> >Less than an hour in general (running the same client script
> >simultanuously on a 100Mbps linux box and 1Gbps bds6-x86)
> I am running my nic at gig speeds only... I recompiled the kernel
> this morning to include cpufreq as well as made sure the cool&quiet
> was enabled in the BIOS.
> >for info, I test with args '38 999' (38M, try 999 times) on linux
> >(slightly adapted script BTW) and '138 999' on bsd. The best 'score' I
> >got was 'still 871 iterations to go'
> So far I have done 150 loops with an 80MB file and no issues and 200
> loopswith a 160MB file. My nfe nic does not support MSI and has its
> own interrupt
> # vmstat -i
> interrupt total rate
> irq1: atkbd0 5 0
> irq4: sio0 3049 1
> irq16: twe0 327046 164
> irq19: bge0 385147 194
> irq21: atapci1 976355 492
> irq23: nfe0 11876726 5986
> cpu0: timer 3966420 1999
> cpu1: timer 3964392 1998
# vmstat -i
interrupt total rate
irq1: atkbd0 4 0
irq14: ata0 69 0
irq20: nfe0 11650955 5283
irq24: atapci1 94 0
irq28: atapci2 178 0
irq29: ahd0 355704 161
cpu0: timer 4409020 1999
cpu1: timer 4391646 1991
cpu2: timer 4391643 1991
cpu3: timer 4391641 1991
> I have powerd started up with
> powerd_enable="YES"
> powerd_flags="-a adaptive -b adaptive -n adaptive"
slightly different, I mostly use "-b adaptive -i 90 -n adaptive -r 80"
but the problem shows up without flags as well.
> With the "sleep" in my test script, powerd does seem to be fiddling
> with frequencies as well during the inactivity.
I most often provoke slight swapping for "randomizing" frequency changes
and a burnK7 or similar to psuh up and down by hand
> # sysctl dev. | grep -i fre
> dev.cpu.0.freq: 1800
> dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 2200/110000 2000/105600 1800/89100 1000/49000
> dev.powernow.0.freq_settings: 2200/110000 2000/105600 1800/89100 1000/49000
> dev.powernow.1.freq_settings: 2200/110000 2000/105600 1800/89100 1000/49000
> dev.cpufreq.0.%driver: cpufreq
> dev.cpufreq.0.%parent: cpu0
> dev.cpufreq.1.%driver: cpufreq
> dev.cpufreq.1.%parent: cpu1
funny, when I do that :
# sysctl dev. | grep -i fre
dev.cpu.0.freq: 995
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 2587/95000 2388/90300 2189/76200 1990/63800 1791/53200 995/36100
dev.powernow.0.freq_settings: 2587/95000 2388/90300 2189/76200 1990/63800 1791/53200 995/36100
dev.powernow.1.freq_settings: 2587/95000 2388/90300 2189/76200 1990/63800 1791/53200 995/36100
dev.powernow.2.freq_settings: 2587/95000 2388/90300 2189/76200 1990/63800 1791/53200 995/36100
dev.powernow.3.freq_settings: 6747/95000 6228/90300 5709/76200 5190/63800 4671/53200 2595/36100
dev.cpufreq.0.%driver: cpufreq
dev.cpufreq.0.%parent: cpu0
dev.cpufreq.1.%driver: cpufreq
dev.cpufreq.1.%parent: cpu1
dev.cpufreq.2.%driver: cpufreq
dev.cpufreq.2.%parent: cpu2
dev.cpufreq.3.%driver: cpufreq
dev.cpufreq.3.%parent: cpu3
especially the dev.powernow.3.freq_settings look weird ...
that said, I once more dug up the old acpi_ppc.c and slightly
adapted it for fbsd7 (basically some name changes and using
read_cpu_time() i.s.o. cp_time) and the problem disappears ...
the algo of acpi_ppc makes it somewhat harder to push up frequencies,
though I doubt that matters.
I tried as well with hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled="1" in loader.conf
with no luck (using powerd).
I'm out of office tomorrow but will try to find time tommorow evening
to test with another NIC.
Best, Arno
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