[SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I choice?

Emil Mikulic emikulic at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 00:54:09 UTC 2008

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 01:04:20PM -0700, Steven Schlansker wrote:
> I'm also running ZFS and wanted to share my experiences.  It doesn't
> cope well with low-memory environments, but I've successfully run with
> 2GB ram and 3TB disk with no problems on both i386 and amd64.  amd64
> needs a little bit of tuning - increasing kmem and whatnot (well
> documented, not very difficult/stressful)

Since pjd's nokva commit, I have had zero panics on amd64,
with no tuning whatsoever.


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