ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?

jbsnyder jbsnyder at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 16:22:18 UTC 2008

Hi -

I'm not yet filing a PR on this since I'm wondering if anyone else has
experienced this issue.  I've got ZFS running on a raid-z with 4 disks,
C2Duo 2.33 Ghz, 64-bit FreeBSD 7 release, 4GB RAM.  For the most part this
has been working perfectly, but I recently I tried using transmission-daemon
(a bittorrent client/daemon) to download a few things and noticed that if it
runs for an extended period of time, a lot of processes are waiting on zfs
and just hang.  If I'm not logged in while this is happens, SSH access
hangs.  Also, if I manage to be logged in, AFP access to the volume, and
some heavier disk access items (like building from ports at stages of
unzipping archives and checksumming) seem to hang as well.

I've not done extensive testing, but the same behavior has been exhibited
both times I've tried it.  The interesting thing is that the transmission
seems to keep on chugging, and does finish downloading eventually, it's just
that everything else doesn't get a chance at getting some IO, even if I kill
the transmission-daemon.

I've done the recommended tweaks on the freebsd wiki for AMD64 machines, and
I'm running ULE.  Otherwise things are pretty standard.

I'll file a more detailed PR with some additional testing if nobody else has
encountered this and/or has a workaround.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ZFS---Bittorent--%3E-Hang--tp16447331p16447331.html
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