
jonathan michaels jlm at caamora.com.au
Wed Oct 31 17:34:18 PDT 2007

On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 02:30:45PM -0500, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 08:08:31PM +0100 I heard the voice of
> Bernd Walter, and lo! it spake thus:
> > 
> > I don't completly agree.
> > Many people forget that FreeBSD is used on slow embedded systems as
> > well and I prefer having manpoages there as well.

given microsofts new operating system release of late and the even
greater dependance on far more expensive computers, is leaving the
computer world 'underclass' with even less choice so to speak.

i deal with a group of disabled people (i too have significant
disabilities) that are finding ther increasing reliance on computers to
deal with the needs of everyday lives .. beacue it is assumed that
'everybody' has access to teh internet and more and more govt
beurocracys are putting ther infromation up on teh internet and not
making any consessions for people who haven't that kind of
accessability, either because of cost of isp, cost of raw computing
power, toc of teh computing 'experience' and so on.

> Oh, I don't argue that there are cases where catpages are still
> useful.  But I think they're the exception, not the rule.  When you're
> setting up a tiny system (by whatever the standards of the given day
> are) or an appliance, you expect the tradeoffs to be rather different

no, i disagree, i expect my operating system to be usable and to be
consistant in its ability to interoperate with my abilaty to use it
with teh resources at my disposal .. human/financial/accessibility

> than on a normal (by said standards) general-purpose computer.

and what is "normal" ?? while i was fortunate enough to be able to
aquire a reasonable workhorse not all people in my situation are so

sorry for my noise, i am not complaining rather asking for a bit of
thinkings and for some tolerance fro people who still use "old"
machines .. as teh world moves into a "situation normal"
information/govt services is only delivered by automatied computer
delivery systems greater sections of teh community ar going to be
isolated form this new world because tehy cannot get teh tools to
access what is ever increasingly concider teh normal way of doing

> Heck, looking at Soekris, everything above the 4501 class is probably
> faster than my laptop    8-}

perhaps, many people, not those only on the fringe of society do not
have computer systems that even make it to that meager "standard" 

to paraphrase a .sig i have seen often in these parts, standards are
wonderfull things, there are so many to choose from !!

regards appreciations and thanks for  all your efforts in making a
freebsd that i can still use and actually find enjoyable.



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