USB-4COMi-SI-M : Isolated 4 Port USB-RS422/RS485

Stefan Lambrev stefan.lambrev at
Wed Oct 31 01:21:46 PDT 2007


Thanks for the answer, but please ignore my question.
I made cabling mistake, so this thread is invalid.

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Stefan Lambrev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to get working this USB to serial adapter under freebsd 7.
>> The driver uftdi, detects the adapter,
>> but I'm unable to get any import from newly created /dev/cuaU0-3.
>> Is this device supported from the uftdi driver? Should it work and am
>> I hitting a bug?
> Since it is showing ucomX it should work.
> How are you testing it?


Best Wishes,
Stefan Lambrev
ICQ# 24134177

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