Question about 'top' values on memory usage

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Tue Oct 16 02:04:10 PDT 2007

In the last episode (Oct 14), Artem Kuchin said:
> Maybe someone with deeper knowledge of the internals of FreeBSD can
> clean up something for me (any for many others)^
> Here are lines from my top:
> 9258 hordelo_ru    1   4    0 40992K  4260K accept 0   0:00  0.00% httpd
> 9257 hordelo_ru    1  44    0 40992K  4296K select 1   0:00  0.00% httpd
> 9259 hordelo_ru    1   4    0 40992K  4292K select 1   0:00  0.00% httpd
> As you see, 'size' is the same for all processes, while RES varies.
> As i understand, the real memory taken by a process is RES and SIZE
> include a bunch of shares .so libs, so, if more httpd's started each
> will take only about 4300K more, so, 100 https will take 430000K to
> run, right?

Determining the amount of shared vs unshared memory for each process
is not totally trivial.  All I can suggest is using procfs and reading
/proc/<<PID>>/map eg:

turion% dd if=/proc/curproc/map bs=256k
0x400000 0x402000 2 0 0xffffff002e4710e0 r-x 1 0 0x0 COW NC vnode /bin/dd
0x502000 0x503000 1 0 0xffffff001c41cd20 rw- 2 0 0x2180 NCOW NNC default -
0x503000 0x505000 2 0 0xffffff001c41cd20 rwx 2 0 0x2180 NCOW NNC default -
and so on

The columns are: start address, end address, resident pages, private
resident pages, vm_object_t address, protection, reference count,
shadow count, flags, cow, copy-needed, type, path
See <vm/vm_object.h> for flags

This will let you indentify shared vs private space as well as whether
it's file or swap backed.

Peter Jeremy
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