Freebsd 6.2 and booting from iSCSI

The Presence tpresence at
Fri Oct 5 12:08:07 PDT 2007

I recently deployed a NetAPP S300 device, and I want to be able to load system OS from it.

I have several HP DL380 G3 systems that I want to be able to boot from iSCSI, but I am not sure how to proceed.  NetAPP states that the adapters I would want to do this are the QLA405x and QLA406x lines.  Since the HP DL380 G3s use PCI-X I need the QLA-4050 or the QLA-4052 adapters.  Unfortunately, QLogic states that they only support Windows, RHEL, and SuSE.

Firstly, has anyone had any luck booting from any system with FreeBSD.  My main drivers here are:

1) I can do a bare-metal restore very simply.
2) I can easily change base system by just changing the TOE parameters in BIOS.
3) I can have multiple systems have access to the same data without having to have multiple copies of the data, but do this in block mode instead of file mode.

Secondly, has anyone actually had this work with the HP DL380 G3?  If so what HBA did you use to do it?  Since the QLogic network cards start at around $800 or so, I don't want to make this a trial and error effort, if its avoidable.


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