pitiful performance of an SATA150 drive

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at aldan.algebra.com
Mon Mar 26 22:38:15 UTC 2007

On Monday 26 March 2007 17:35, Søren Schmidt wrote:
= Nopes its the stock AMD and a SiI chip..

Yes, that's correct. Sorry for the confusion.

= Anyhow there has been some changes in that area that actually might fix 
= an interrupt routing bogon. Please try the attached patch against an up 
= to date 6-stable source and let me know if that helps...

Ok, I'm certainly seeing improvement. The amount of "ehci" interrupts is down
to hundreds (although still very high, considering, there is not USB 

The disk's write throughput increased a little from 7.5Mb/s, and even spikes 
to 10Mb/s occasionally now, while averaging at about 8.3Mb/s. Curiously, the 
bandwidth appears BETTER (9Mb/s), when boinc (setiathome) IS RUNNING on all 
four cores...

I'm running a compressed dump now to see, if the data corruption is still 

That said, it still sucks... The drive can read at the healthy 60Mb/s (and 
higher) -- I'd expect writing to average at least 20Mb/s, when recording a 
single stream.

BTW, when I just got the drive 15 months ago, reading sucked too. But it 
improved over the period -- not sure, with which revision...



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