zfs on FreeBSD

Freddie Cash fcash at ocis.net
Wed Mar 21 20:56:55 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 21 March 2007 01:49 pm, Christian Walther wrote:
> On 21/03/07, Claus Guttesen <kometen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Probably a bit premature but has anyone used zfs on FreeBSD "without
> > problems". The reason I ask is that I have installed Solaris 10 on an
> > intel-box, but adding additional programs is *not* as easy as
> > 'portinstall postfix' etc. on FreeBSD. So rather than doing sensible
> > work I feel like an idiot instead.
> I know that this answer is quite OT on this list, but there are two
> software repositories for Solaris. One has already been mentioned in
> another answer, it is http://www.sunfreeware.com
> The other one is http://www.blastwave.org
> There is a nice script called "pkg-add" available, that is similar to
> apt-get.

Wouldn't pkgsrc be a better system to use, for someone coming from 

Freddie Cash
fcash at ocis.net

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