Snapshot deadlock while dumping

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Fri Mar 16 10:33:01 UTC 2007

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 09:21:13AM +0100, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> Hi,
> One of our fileservers deadlocked, again. It is running RELENG_6 from
> 2006-11-14 and was running dump(8) -L on a 11% filled 400GB UFS2
> volume. It is hanging for 3h hours now, and there is no disk activity.
> # ps axl | grep snap
>    0    46     0   1  -4  0     0     8 snaplk DL    ??   98:58.88 
>    [bufdaemon]
>    0    48     0   0  -4  0     0     8 snaplk DL    ??   68:22.58 [syncer]
>    0 15179 11192   5   8  0  1708  1044 wait   I+    p1    0:00.00 sh
> -c /sbin/mksnap_ffs /export/
>    0 18738 15179   0  -8  0  2776  1756 getbuf D+    p1    0:04.07
> /sbin/mksnap_ffs /export/homes
> Quotas are enabled in the server, but the filesystems are currently
> mounted without quota support (they were once mounted with userquota,
> though).
> Thanks,
> Uli
And, what is the question ? You know what is needed to debug the hang.
In addition to DDB, "options DEBUG_LOCKS, DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS" would be
very helpful.

From the wait channel for proc 18738, I suspect that the problem might
be the LOR between cg buffer lock and snaplk. The fix was committed to
CURRENT some time ago, and I'm waiting for re@ decision whether the
change could be MFCed.

Meantime, if you can systematically reproduce the problem, I would recommend
you, in addition to providing proper deadlock report, to try the following
patch (it was heavily reviewed and tested before committed to CURRENT):

(just ignore xfs chunk).

> PS: I can't break to DDB, as it is not configured for this server.
> What are the recommended DDB settings for _production_ servers? I want
> them to reboot on panic, but be able to grab the panic string via
> serial console. Is something like this gonna do the trick? Is there
> some kind of performance impact?
> options KDB
> options DDB
> It should *NOT* enter the debugger, if I plug/pull an RS232 cable. I
> read somewhere, that some controllers do send a break if the cable
> gets pulled, IIRC.
It seems to be reasonable set of options (see above for DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS,
that would have some impact on performance).
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