Openvpn tap uses 99% cpu time

Emile Coetzee freebsd-stable at
Thu Mar 15 15:03:43 UTC 2007

>Still no diagnostic info I'm afraid. What is needed is for the problem 
to be reproduced, with the openvpn process which is spinning under 
ktrace. You might need to hack your script to do this i.e. run openvpn 
directly from ktrace. Let it run for a bit, let it spin, then kill it. 
Check that you have kdump output from the openvpn process itself.

Use the -T switch of kdump to get absolute timestamps, watch the 
wallclock time on your system when the spin happens, and post an excerpt 
of the kdump output at that time, which should tell us where openvpn is 

Okay I finally have a ktrace of the offending process. You can view it here:


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