Another newbie question, about makefile options

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Sat Mar 10 21:20:33 UTC 2007

> So my question is, should i pass the makefile options only when running
> "make" to compile the program (that would make sence wouldnt it?) or should
> i use them everytime i run make as in both when doing "make" and "make
> install clean".

I think your experience already showed you that the options have to be 
specified both when compiling and when installing. The reason is that 
when you run make a second time, the makefile gets parsed again and the 
dependencies are checked again. Even if you pass the same flags, new 
dependencies may still appear during the "make install" stage. These are 
run-time dependencies that were not required to build the port but must 
be present in order for it to function correctly. Thus, always pass the 
same options to make but do not be surprised if "make install" still 
pulls in new dependencies.

- Bartosz

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