RT2561 does not work (was: [CALL FOR TESTERS] (was: ral(4) and second/third gen devices))

Jan Henrik Sylvester me at janh.de
Thu Mar 8 14:22:27 UTC 2007


I have got a RT2561 based card (not deliberately, wanted RT2500):

ral0: <Ralink Technology RT2561> mem 0xd8000000-0xd8007fff irq 10 at 
device 10.0 on pci0
ral0: MAC/BBP RT 2661B, RF RT2527
ral0: Ethernet address: 00:80:5a:38:XX:XX

Some searching led me to: http://samodelkin.net/~fjoe/if_ral.diff -- 
which compiles on 6.2-RELEASE and, loaded as module, makes the card 

At first, I could not see (ifconfig ral0 up scan) any APs. After many 
tries I tried on a Linux system installed parallel with the vendor 
supplied RT61 driver -- the AP showed up (iwlist ra0 scanning). 
(Connecting was not possible due to unrelated wpa_supplicant problems on 

Rebooting to FreeBSD (directly after seeing the AP on Linux), the AP 
showed up and I was able to associate to it using wpa_supplicant. With 
the appropriate configuration, this link was reestablished automatically 
on the next few reboots.

Anyhow, it did not run totally satisfactorily as I was only able to scp 
with 150KB/s (for comparison I plugged in a ural device and got 1.5MB/s).

Later I could not see the AP, again. After kldunloading and kldloading 
if_ral it reappeared (downing and upping with ifconfig did not help).

A few days later (the computer was unplugged), the AP does not show up 
anymore no matter what I try, but it is visible from Linux.

Any ideas? Is it possible that some state is kept in the card on reboot 
(from Linux to FreeBSD) or is it totally unrelated that I first saw the 
AP directly after seeing it on Linux? Is it possible that the driver 
does not correctly initialize the card?

Is there any newer driver available? Do you want any other tests or 

Any chance that I get that running reliable? (The connection speed 
problem is not that important. I hoped to replace an unreliable Debian 
Sarge/zyd(USB-ZD1211) system with FreeBSD/ral(PCI-RT2500), what did not 
work out quite as expected...)

Jan Henrik

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