Some Unix benchmarks for those who are interesed

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Tue Mar 6 20:52:39 UTC 2007

Artem Kuchin wrote:

>> a) It looks like your message was weirdly truncated - whole "rectangles"
>> of text are missing from the results on the right-hand-side. Maybe you
>> copied it through Excel?
> Ummm... hmmm.. i checked the message in the list, nothimng is missing.
> Just like it was in the putty terminal from where i copied it.

See here:

>> c) It would be interesting for the general discussion if you could
>> install a recent server-like version of Linux (e.g. CentOS, SuSE,
>> Debian) on one of the machines you did your benchmarks on to compare
>> results :)
> I am not good at linux, but this is an interesting idea. I'll try it.
> Which one
> is easier to install?

Both CentOS (aka "repacked RedHat Enterprise Server") and SuSE
(actually, openSuSE which is free) are easy to install. But I think
you'll have to compile unixbench for them.

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