Boot prompt for Intel AMT

Artem Kuchin matrix at
Tue Mar 6 08:48:06 UTC 2007

>> I hope some people will understand what  i am talking about, because
>> the technology, i think, is not very popular, but can come VERY handy.
>> Intel AMT Serial over LAN (SOL, why is it called 'over LAN' if it is really
>> 'OVER IP'?) allows to boot into BIOS of a remote machine
>> and even, as seen in their demo, can be used to control MS DOS prompt.
> well because it isnt using IP, besides SOIP is uninspiring :)

Wait.. how so? I was sure that the whose SOL (IPMI) protocal is running over
IP and i can REMOTELY (e.g. from anoth planet with IP connection) access
the machine in the data center. If i can do such thing, then it DOES run over IP
eventually. Isn't it?

Anyway, nobody said anothing about getting freebsd boot prompt over SOL.
My guess, that this is THE MOST usefull usage of SOL for remote upgrades.
I understand that this is not as simple as sending data to UART. THis is must
be done explicitely in the boot loader, i thinks. But why no do it?


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