portsnap and cvsup for rebuilding world - Which one?

Joe Holden joe at joeholden.co.uk
Sun Mar 4 04:02:47 UTC 2007

frzburn wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a new FreeBSD user, but a veteran Linux user ;)
> I'm using FreeBSD 6, and I was wondering while I gave a try to rebuilding
> ``world'' how to properly synchronize my source. Here's what I mean:
> After my successful installation of FreeBSD, I looked on
> www.bsdguides.orgfor some tips and... guides. So I learned how to
> properly keep my port tree
> updated with portsnap, with the help of this guide:
> http://www.bsdguides.org/guides/freebsd/beginners/portsnap.php. It says 
> that
> portsnap is the ``new'' method to keep your ports tree up to date.
> After that, I looked for how to update FreeBSD with the latest packages 
> from
> the STABLE branch. So I looked at the handbook, in the section 21. The
> section 21.3 (
> http://www.ca.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/synching.html)
> tells us how to ``synchronize my source''. But it only talks about cvsup
> (and others), not about portsnap. But cvsup is considered obsolete by
> BSDGuides.org...
> So here come my questions:
> Is portsnap syncing the sources correctly for rebuilding world, or must I
> use cvsup?
> If so, of what use is portsnap if I must use cvsup for synchronizing my
> source?
> In fact, I'm just looking at the most up-to-date/approved/correct
> technique/tool to synchronize my source for ``rebuilding world'' with the
> latest sources from FreeBSD-6-STABLE.
> Thanks a lot!! =)
> frzburn
Portsnap is only for ports, and as far as I am aware, there are no plans 
to add source functionality.  Either method does the job, what you 
choose is up to you.


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