Clamav-90_2 Lockup with freebsd 6.2

Marko Lerota mlerota at
Thu Mar 1 10:48:45 UTC 2007

Chris <chrcoluk at> writes:

> I dont use simscan but use clamav for scanning emails passed from
> exim.  I noticed that cpu usage went through the roof and there was
> dozens of clamd in sockstat.  On a dual xeon it did cause some smtp
> lag but on weaker specs it caused the smtp to completely backlog and
> stopped emails arriving.
> I downgraded back to 0.88.7 again and all is fine again.

Dozens? Lucky you. I had 600 of them. OK, now we know that simscan 
is not the problem.

One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
                               			Tacunka Witco 

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